Intrauterine infusion of Platelet-Rich Plasma
We are delighted to inform you that Fertilys Clinic now offers intrauterine infusion of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), an innovative solution to enhance the success rates of fertility treatments.
Intrauterine PRP infusion is a cutting-edge approach gaining increasing interest in the field of reproductive medicine. This relatively recent technique is considered a potential treatment to improve embryonic implantation in women experiencing repeated implantation failures (RIF) or having a thin endometrium during the embryonic implantation period.
Increasing success rates in IVF
While the exact mechanisms of action are not yet fully described, several prospective and randomized clinical studies now demonstrate the effectiveness of intrauterine PRP infusion in increasing success rates in in vitro fertilization in the presence of repeated implantation failures after multiple embryo transfers.
Potential mechanisms of action
Here are some potential mechanisms of action based on current knowledge:
- Release of Growth Factors: Platelets contain growth factors that would promote the regeneration of the endometrium, thus improving its thickness.
- Enhancement of Angiogenesis: Released growth factors would induce the formation of new blood vessels, improving the vascularization of the endometrium for better implantation.
- Modulation of Immune Response: Platelets would influence the immune response, improving the environment conducive to implantation.
- Stimulation of Tissue Repair: Platelets would contribute to the repair of microlesions in the endometrium, improving its quality and receptivity to implantation.
- Support for Extracellular Matrix Remodeling: Released factors would facilitate the remodeling of the extracellular matrix, improving embryo adhesion and implantation.
PRP treatment at Fertilys
Our personalized and avant-garde approach aims to revolutionize the fertility journey of our patients. Discover how PRP treatment at Fertilys Clinic can contribute to your success in conception.
Contact us today to learn more about this exciting advancement and give a new impetus to your dream of starting a family.
Publish on: March 10 2024 in Fécondation in vitro