Using donors and sperm banks

Donor sperm

In the case of single women or a lesbian couple, the use of donated sperm is frequent and, depending on the woman’s age, generally produces positive results. This option is also sometimes considered in severe male infertility cases where in vitro fertilization has been unsuccessful.  The donor sperm can therefore be used both in IVF and artificial insemination.

Support from Fertilys

Our medical team supports you during this important step of managing the donated sperm. Our medical secretary will show you our bank catalogues, help you go through them and advise you in your choice. She will also take care of the procedure of ordering from the bank, according to your instructions.

You can select the donor based on the following criteria:

  • Race
  • Ethnic origin
  • Hair and eye colour
  • Skin colour
  • Blood group
  • Height and weight
  • Education and occupation
  • Personal interests
  • Religion
  • Medical history of the donor, his parents and his grand-parents
  • Photos (in some cases)

You will also receive support from the psychologist as you make your decision. She will guide you as you think about and come to understand other criteria that will become important when your child becomes an adult.

fertilys clinique fertilite comprendre infertilite lgbt couple

Sperm banks

We work with two sperm banks, both recommended by the Quebec and Canadian governments:

Health Canada supervises the quality of semen stored in its banks and assumes all responsibility.

We do not encourage donations from known donors, as in accordance with Health Canada directives, use of donor semen is prohibited if the semen has not been previously treated and if it has not been quarantined for a minimum of six months.

Semen from banks is generally rapidly available.