Confirmation of early pregnancy

After 14 days: blood work

After the embryo is transferred, there is a 14-day wait to find out whether the embryo has implanted itself and pregnancy has begun. This is often the hardest part of the entire treatment process.

At Fertilys, our IVF procedures include a blood test that confirms whether or not pregnancy has begun.

The concentration of the pregnancy hormone (bhCG) in the blood is a reliable measurement. With a blood test, unlike the morning urine test, there are no false positives.

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After four weeks: an ultrasound

Four weeks after the embryo has been transferred, an ultrasound is performed. The much awaited moment when the parents screen for any abnormal developments in the fetus and make sure there is a heart beat.

For patients who have benefited from state-refunded artificial insemination, a viability ultrasound, confirming the presence of a fetal heart beat, is considered by the RAMQ to be proof of success, even if the pregnancy does not make it to term. Should that happen, the counter resets and another set of 9 inseminations is covered.

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